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Two Day Training of Seth Anandram Jaipuria Teachers at Shri Aurobindo Ashram Delhi

On the 20th and 21st of April, the Sports teachers and Pre-Primary teachers of Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Schools underwent training at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi, focusing on an integral approach in education. With a total of 35 teachers in attendance, the training commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. Tara Didi shared insightful words, accompanied by the chanting of Shlokas including Om, Asto Ma Sadgamya, and Serve Santu Sukhina, which resonated deeply with the participants.

The training kicked off with an engaging Ice-breaking session, designed to foster familiarity among the attendees. Through interactive group activities, participants learned each other’s names and developed a sense of comfort and rapport. Following this, Aparna Didi led a meditation session, delving into the facets of body, mind, vital, and consciousness, illustrating her teachings with relatable examples and inspiring stories. This session provided valuable insights into holistic education, encouraging teachers to incorporate these principles into their pedagogical practices.

The training also featured action songs and a series of interactive games, including Penguin Dance, Horse Race, Snake Race, and various team-building exercises, providing a dynamic and experiential learning environment. Through these activities, participants gained practical skills and strategies for effective teaching and classroom management. The emphasis on active participation and hands-on learning ensured that the training was both engaging and impactful.

The evening concluded with recreational games and a video recap of the day’s events, fostering reflection and consolidation of learning.

The day 2 began with mantra chanting and yoga, promoting mindfulness and inner balance among participants. This was followed by creative games with balls, and cones, river crossing and rappelling and a feedback session, providing opportunities for reflection and constructive dialogue.

The training concluded with a reflection and report writing session, where participants shared their personal experiences and insights gained during the program. Attendees were encouraged to reflect on the challenges they faced, the obstacles they overcame, and the transformative journey they embarked on throughout the training.

The incorporation of Satvik food and the practice of cleaning one’s own used utensils after mealtime played a pivotal role in instilling discipline during the training at Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

The training at Sri Aurobindo Ashram provided an enriching and transformative experience for the Sports and Pre-Primary teachers of Seth Anandram Jaipuria Group of Schools. Through a blend of spiritual teachings, experiential learning, and reflective practices, participants gained valuable insights into the integral approach to education. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, attendees returned to their respective roles with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to holistic teaching and learning.

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