Seth Anandram Jaipuria, Golf City, Lucknow welcomed yet another batch of hopeful parents, excited newcomers joining the family from grades 6th to 11th, to ‘ Shubharambh’, the Parent Orientation Programme , session 2023-2024.
The programme was held in the Auditorium, Senior Block. The comperes Ms. Surbhi Saran and Ms. Jyoti Tiwari , teachers of the senior section extended a warm welcome to the assembled guests. The auspicious beginning started with the traditional lighting of the lamp by the Principal and the Vice-Principals . This was followed by Saraswati Vandana, by Saatvika of class fourth, soliciting the blessings of the Almighty on this significant day. The vibrant moves of Fariha, of class 8th infused every soul with the radiant power of Lord Shiva. The Chairman, Shri Shishir Jaipuria’s approbatory words about the exponential growth of the once fledgling school set the stage for the orientation programme.
The orientation began with the Principal, Ms. Poonam Kochitty explaining the Vision Statement of the school which essentially is about building happy and confident children, who are socially responsible and morally upright. She also highlighted on 21st century skills which form the core of all activities, specially to encourage creativity and to be environmentally sensitive . The Vice Principal, Mr. Pankaj Rathore, carried on the thread of information and introduced the gathering to the teachers of senior block and highlighted their unique achievements. A brief interlude which was filled with the charming dance performance of Jhanvi, of class -9 was followed by Ms. Warsha–,who described the USPs of the school- an only Microsoft Showcase and Microsoft Aspire School in the city, with maximum Microsoft Innovative Educators among the teachers, skill teaching, promoting SDGs as a member of the Global Schools programme . She also mentioned that an interdisciplinary approach with an emphasis on technology, is an essential part of teaching, as also regular Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) sessions. She explained that this all went into building a person of strong character and equipped with life skills. She also enumerated the state -of-the-art sports facilities, the rich Annual Art Exhibitions and Entrepreneurship Exhibitions are a cynosure of all eyes, which are all student coordinated, from filming of the event to editing it. Ms. Jyoti presented students achievements in a nutshell. A wonderful Rajasthani ‘ Tehra Taali’ and a colourful ‘ Phoolon ki Holi’ celebrated the occasion and made it memorable.