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Parents’ Orientation Program Senior Section 2024-25

“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.” –Bob Talbert.

The senior section Parents’ Orientation Program was held on April 1st, 2024, in the school auditorium for the parents of newly admitted children. The program aimed at appraising parents of the culture and the tech-based, experiential approach of the school and collaborating with the parents to help the children become the best version of themselves. The DM, Lucknow Mr Suryapal Gangwar also graced the occasion along with other dignitaries. 

The school Principal Mrs. Poonam Kochitty discussed in detail the vision, mission and approach of the school with the parents. She stressed on nurturing moral values and spiritual inclination in the students. Ma’am also highlighted the school’s accomplishments within a very short span of time sharing evidence in form of numerous awards and titles won by the school which make the school a popular choice in the city amongst both the parents as well as the students. She also elucidated the need of 21st century teaching and learning methods which involves fostering critical thinking, creativity and technical approach in both the teachers and the students. She stressed that parental support is the key ingredient in building a responsible and independent future generation. Ma’am also shared some video clips to highlight the unique morning assemblies of the school.

The Vice Principal Mr. Pankaj Rothore insightfully stressed on the need of parent-teacher connection to constantly keep vigilance on the adolescent. He submitted that it is the duty of both the parent and the teacher to check and monitor our children whenever there is a need. Sir also expounded why and when the parents need to say ‘NO’ to the children with an open explanation as to why it is important for the senior kids to learn to accept their responsibilities . He stressed on transparent communication between the growing children and the parents. 

The parents were introduced to the management team, the co-ordinators and the HODs of various departments. After a scintillating cultural program and a discussion with the parents the insightful and enlightening day came to an end with a vote of thanks by the coordinator Ms Jyoti Tiwari.

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