An Orientation Programme for the parents of newly admitted children of the Pre-Primary Section of Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Lucknow was held on 29th March, 2023. The event began with the auspicious lighting of the lamp by the Principal, Ms. Poonam Kochitty and Vice Principal, Primary, Ms. Monika Manaktala. Following the same, all the parents of newly admitted students were made aware of the mission and vision of the school by the Principal. She guided the parents to be both gentle and supportive to the child while building their confidence. She also focused upon how different our school is as compared to a traditional school.
The parents were also informed of how simple acts of reading a storybook to infants and toddlers can enhance the brain development of a child. She also shed light on the fact that a child shall learn to write at their own time but they should not be forced to do anything.
Moving on, the entire management and leadership of the school was introduced to the parents along with the Pre-Primary Teachers. The parents were shown slides on the student achievers of Pre-Primary, Primary and Senior sections. The USP’S of the school along with the achievements of the school at Global, National and City level and.Teacher achievements were also shared with the audience.
Information related to the book list, syllabus, modes of communication, Tiffin requirements etc were shared with the parents.
Motivational Videos with the theme of ,”Each child has their own identity irrespective of gender,” Importance and the role of the parents in building character of the child were shared with the parents. The orientation came to a vibrant end with a marvelous dance performance by the students of Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Lucknow. The graceful dancers played Flower Holi with the parents of newly admitted students of the school. The Vote of Thanks was given by Ms. Althea Gabriel to conclude the Orientation Programme.